Hufthhhhhh, udah lama banget ga nge-blog. Apalagi akhir2 ini ea, blog gue udah kayak agen biro jodoh aja dengan berbagai macam PIN gay seantero Indonesia gyahahahahahahaha. Sejujurnya, gue ngalamin kembali masa2 gelap hidup gue, mgkn malah getting worse, setelah kmrn berusaha meyakinkan diri utk totally come out to be one of proud gays (meski masih discreet) skrg gue balik lagi ke mslh lama, apa gue yakin??? Setelah keputusan yg gue ambil kmrn, which is really hard to believe I finally did that, gue bakal kira gue bisa memutuskan, ternyata nggak. Yawdahlah, mgkn nasib gue buat kyk gini, always half way up and always half way down :( gue terima aja kenyataan ini, tapi somehow gue ga bisa juga hilangin the gay of side me dan gue juga ga bisa sepenuhnya being the gay of me, jd biarlah gue jd in the middle of nowhere gay, antah apolah namonyo, pokoknya gue ya gue, you can call me gay, damn it's true because I like men! But if you threat me like other gay well you'll be kissing my ass because I'm not like that, you can't lay me down, LOL, not very easy. I did that once, and for God shake there's nothing fun about it, actually I felt dumb and silly lying over there and felt my ass burned (thank God he has a small dick) and you know what, I kept talking nonsenses while making out just to make the pain out of my mind. Mungkin krn gue bukan bottom, knp ga coba jadi top? Ahhhh malessss di mana gue bisa cari bottom yg ga menye2, yg manly dan ga sissy, kalo pun ada kok rasanya ga tega aja nge-bottom-in dia gitu. WTF lah, gue cuma ngarep andai bener ada kehidupan sesudahnya, TUHAN ga buat gue jadi gini lagi.......


  1. ARE U F***ING KIDDING ME???!!!!

    Hellooowww, ur blog named Catatan Si GAY. GAY. GAY. GAY.

    Kalo loe aja masih "buram" sama kecenderungan seksual loe, how dare u named ur blog like that??!!

    Aneh aja gitu rasanya klo loe ngaku str8 yg suka sama laki-laki. Apalagi loe sampai ML sama laki-laki dan menjadi BOT, bukan TOP. You know what i mean? Good dog. Ooops sorry, good boy(or girl) :)

  2. Eh eh kok gitu sih??? Lho kok marah???


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