KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, kemaren waktu gue lunch di kantin kantor tetangga (kantorku ga punya kantin sih), gue ngeliat cowok kereennnnn,


Hosh hosh, gue doki-doki banget, he's so beautiful. Apalagi cowok straight, duhhh gue ga nahan banget, terpaksa gue ambil posisi makan yg sedikit berhadapan ma dia, pura-pura ga ngeliat bangku kosong buat rame-rame di sebelah (gue makan siangnya bergerombol ma temen sekantor).

Gue bener-bener menikmati makan siang yang cuma berlangsung 20 menit itu,

OH GOD, setelah sekian lama mataku puasa ngeliat cowok2 ganteng straight, kau memuaskan dahagaku huehehehehehehe.

Kayaknya dia salah satu peserta lelang buat kantor sebelah soalnya gayanya kayak eksekutif muda gitu pake BB (salah satu poin minusnya, gue ilfil ma BB). Sedikit lah ngayal-ngayal jauh, gpp kan, ngayal ga dosa dan ga dilarang, gratis pula, berharap dia bakal notice gue (yg ini jelas2 ngarep ga tau malu huehehehehehe).

Biasanya gue ga mau lama-lama di kantin, tapi khusus kemaren gue rela sampe sore di kantin asal Mr. Beautiful juga nangkring di sono huehehehehe, gue ngerasa naughty banget.

Sayang TUHAN ga begitu sayang-sayang amat ma gue hari itu, cuma 20 menit si ganteng pun selesai makan dan balik ke kantor tetangga, ga mungkin kan gue nguntitin dia ke kantor tetangga? apa urusannya? jiahhhh, meski sedih tapi gue tetep bahagia demi melihat wajah kerennya itu, gue cuma berpikir kalo jodoh gak kemana (ngarep season 2) huehehehehe.

Kembali ke kantor gue duduk sambil berfantasi, mumpung tuh wajah masih nempel di pikiran huehehehehe. Tiba-tiba temen kerjaku bilang. "Kak B, cowok tadi cakep banget ea, duhhh tumben bisa ada pandangan segar begitu di tempat gersang begini." Gue cuma ngakak dalam hati, jiahhh ternyata bukan cuma gue yg kena dampaknya, tapi semua temen kerjaku (yg cewek, soalnya setauku ga ada yg homo-homo di kantorku) yg tadi makan bergerombol denganku pada kesemsem, dan gue jd inget, si mbak pelayan yg biasanya judes ma gue kok jd baek banget sama
Mr. Beautiful-ku itu (pake akhiran -ku, ngarep season 3).

Like a thunderstorm on a summer day
He came out of nowhere and that can say
He's a supernova shinin' through the night
A never sleeping satellite

He's a damn good reason for the sun to ride
When you see his smile in the morning light
When He call, He calls a wishing well
Played hide and seek with the hounds of hell

He throws you down to take you high
Into his private sky

He's so
Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
Magical, mystical, irresistible, cosmical
A wonderful overkill and most of all beautiful

You wanna call his name from the highest hill
And he's better than a 5-million-dollar bill
He swims with you to Atlantis coast
To keep you save while the world explodes

He's diving down to keep you high
Inside his velvet sky

He's a prince who's left his fairytale
He wrote a brand new song for the nightingale
Sometimes I think he's invented but
Thank-God he's made of flesh and blood.

He's everything I've ever missed the more
But most of all he is

Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
Beautiful wonderful powerful magical mystical
Irresistible overkill and most of all beau-ti-ful



  1. hihihi... jd penasaraaan...
    aku kan juga suka liat2 co ganteng... terutama kalo lagi sakit mata


  2. duuhh kamyuuu yg lg kesemsemmm hihihi!

  3. ah, sweet! :) :) :)
    enak bgt nih dengerin lagunya Gita Gutawa yang 'Aku Cinta Dia' hihihi ... mellow mode:on


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